Refraction not working on particles in Lit mode

Hi guys,

I have a particle emitter with refraction part in it. In Cascade, things look good:

TECHNICALLY. Yes it does not look appealing, but it’s just WIP :slight_smile: However, when I put my particle emitter on the map, refraction does work on walls and other parts of level, but NOT on particles themselves:

(TECHNICALLY. Yes it does not look appealing, but it’s just WIP :slight_smile: )

What could be the problem?

Hey Lordink -

I have tested the refraction with our raindrop effect included in the content examples and I am seeing it fine. Could you upload a screenshot of your Material used in the Particle System?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hey Eric,

Here u go particle and refraction materials:

In refraction material, I kept the opacity to 0 as I only wanted the material to refract, avoiding any other color effects from it.

Hey Lordink -

In both of your materials, uncheck “Enable Separate Translucency” under Translucency in the Material Attributes. This should fix your problem

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

It does indeed fix the problem. Thanks a lot.