[4.5] Navigation Mesh Rebuild At Runtime causing 20-40 fps loss in 4.5 only

Dear ,

Great to hear from you!

I have indeed noticed general editor FPS drop in 4.5, however that is not test I am doing!

I am running my game from commandline, editor is closed!

Everything I have reported to you in this thread is only from perspective of a game run from commandline, and I have additional FPS issues in 4.5 in editor that take my FPS down to 30s in a very simple scene.

But please, let’s focus on Nav Mesh right now.

Please do my repro in a project that you run from commandline.

Here is a sample of the .bat file I use to test my project with editor closed:

"C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.5\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "%CD%\JoyShapes.uproject" JoyShapes -game  -ResX=1280 -ResY=960 -WinX=0 -WinY=30 -Fullscreen=false -NoVSync -log

Note that %CD% makes this commandline work wherever you are running your test project from :slight_smile: