How can I get an attached actor's collision to affect its parent?

I apologize as I may be asking the wrong question here and perhaps I should approach this a different way.

I’m making an ability in a multiplayer first person project to spawn a sort of riot shield. It’s fairly thick and I set it to block all. If Player A spawns the shield and player B walks into it, it works fine. However, if Player A spawns the shield he can walk into Player B and the shield will clip straight through Player B and even get him stuck if he tries to move. Similarly, if I walk into a wall with the shield it just clips through the wall rather than stopping my character from moving.

Is there a good way to factor the attached actor’s collision into the parent character’s collision so that the shield won’t clip? Should I be doing this a totally different way?

I asked this question in a better way and found and answer here: Can a physics handle be replicated? - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums