Old Landscape Terrain physics issue

There have been more reports on the forum regarding this issue. I can see that so far, up to version 4.4, it still hasn’t been fixed.
Issue is: After working with the landscape tools for putting together a terrain, the physics stops working at some point for everything except pawn blueprints. CCD doesn’t help one bit, nor typing the “RecreateLandscapeCollision” command.
I don’t know when this happens exactly, I just end up frustrated, with a lot of wasted time having to recreate the terrain I need - which usually ends up with it breaking again… and again. Unworkable.

This issue popped up since earlier versions of UE4 and the “fix” has always been reported by having to remake the terrain. But this should not be marked a solution in any way! It doesn’t always work and keeps sending you back, reworking the same terrain over and over…

Hi ,

I have not been able to reproduce this thus far, are there any specific steps that I should take to be able to do so? Currently I have an 8x8 landscape with 1x1 sections and simply modified the landscape, ensuring I altered every section to a significant degree before testing. Any additional information to be able to reproduce this on my end would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

How is your collision set up in the details panel of your landscape and physics objects?


I wish I knew the steps required in order to break the terrain, this way I could at least avoid them by a certain degree. But I have no idea when this happens precisely… My terrain is also 8x8 with just 1 section.

Hi ,

We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.