How To Stream A Level

So I know the who process of streaming levels has changed. But for the life of me I can’t figure out how to make it work in Rocket. I’m not sure if the way I’m trying to do it is completely wrong and please correct me if it is.

The way I’m trying to do it is by using a trigger box.

The message get’s printed on the screen but nothing else happens. I’m thinking that maybe I need to link a level blueprint to the LevelName but I don’t know. If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

Sorry you’re having trouble dude, I know it can be tough figuring out new tech, but I have to say Blueprint is amazing- I don’t know how I ever worked in games without this tool, I’m so spoiled now.

Steaming is pretty easy, so here are some steps I would take:

  1. open the levels window; add all your sublevels, etc.
  2. make sure to right click on the sublevel in question, and make sure to select the streaming method as “Blue print”


Here are some screen grabs from something I’m working on:

  1. make sure to set your sublevels to stream with Blueprint in the Levels window (hidden by default)
  2. create blueprint in the Persistent level that tell the same to load any sublevels you want loaded at the start
  3. use triggers, custom events, delegates, etc. to make sublevels stream in or out
  4. use the console command (Stat LEVELS) when running through the game to debug and check which sublevels are loading or not loading

hope that helps!

Hi Leonard – I can’t seem to find the “Levels” window in build 1904627. I could swear I saw it in a previous build but for the life of me I can’t find it now in the menus or anywhere else … any hints?

Go to:

Window>Levels (from the main menu bar at the top of the UI)

Let me know if you find it

@Mothership.Entertainment -
Please view this post for the solution to your issue: