Switch Active PlayerController?

Hi, can you help me to switch Player character from HeroTPP (Default) and to Animation Starter Pack from Marketplace using Blueprint Scripting Code.

Or i hope can you add to Animation Starter Pack from Marketplace the same default from HeroTPP (Like:Idle, Jump_End, Jump_Loop, Jump_Start, Run and Walk (Because this is no weapon use)).

Or Please make same skeleton for both of them. I can’t combine from same Animation Blueprint.


Whole day :frowning: So sad no one reply or answer this…Please add some animation with reverse keyframe from Animation Blueprint … Thanks

I’ll have a look into this. Give me a few hours.

Thanks… @aperenakyuz :wink:

Hi @alperenakyuz and @UE4 staff any action or answer here? :frowning:


You will need to switch you Default Pawn Class in your Game Mode or World Settings:

Also, here is a tutorial for switching between characters in the game


You can just drag in their character BPs into the level and then possess them this way.

Also, just as an additional note, you will want to go over the Animation Re-targeting documentation:


Let me know if this helps.

Hi, thanks…any tutorial in youtube for this Animation Retargeting (Different Skeletons) and Animation Retargeting (Same Skeleton). Sorry im novice :wink: for this!

Link: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RetargetingDifferentSkeletons/index.html
Old Animation Retargeting in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation


We do not have an official video tutorial for that yet, but this community created video may help:

The information you are looking for is near the end. I hope this helps, have a great day.