Execute console command


If i have Execute Console Command on begin play like stat fps, it shows the fps only on every odd launch. That means if it is displayed, and i hit Stop button in UE Editor, and then Play, then it is not displayed, after Stop and Play, then it is, etc.

Why is this occuring, and how to fix it?

It is bit annoying, thx.


Is there a chance of the console command functioning as a toggle? It shouldn’t be but maybe that’s the case.

i will try it, thanks

hmm good idea however there is no way how to toggle probably

Well think a little ;p what your code is doing? type in show fps, then stop and start to see if it’s there.

well i have event Begin Play, there i have Execute Console Command, and in it is “stat fps”. I dont see any reason why it should be visible or executed only every odd game execution.