4.5 preview bug reports

I built the 4.5 preview today and got a few bugs to report.

  1. It would crash randomly, within a few seconds, saying something about editor analytics. Commenting line 532 in Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\UnrealEdMisc.cpp solved this problem for me. ( FEngineAnalytics::GetProvider().RecordEvent(TEXT("Editor.Usage.Heartbeat"), Attributes); ).

  2. The editor starts in some Asian language. Maybe it attempts to auto-detect my language (I’m Brazilian), fails, and assigns that Asian language as default? This has been happening for the last 3 or 4 preview builds now.

  3. Whenever I try to open any blueprint, or play in editor, I get a crash. I wasn’t able to identify the cause. Attached the log and dump. If you need the blueprints to test, let me know a private email and I’ll send them.

If you need more info on any of these reports, let me know how I can help :slight_smile:


Thanks for taking the time to try out the preview and report these issues.

  1. Can you provide any more details of this crash?

  2. I’ll forward this on to the internationalisation team.

  3. That looks to be a crash in UMG, and was fixed yesterday: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/acda749986862429232dbf538c90e0f66c130c02 (and will be fixed in 4.5 final).


The 1st bug happens about half a minute after the editor was opened. It just happens, no matter what I do (even if it’s simply idle). I have reversed my “fix” and got the logs/dump.

Have you tried running the 4.5 preview, as is on github? This doesn’t seems to be a problem with my project or my computer. Maybe you could reproduce it there.

Regarding the 3rd bug, I have merged the commit you mentioned and can confirm that was the problem. I can now open my blueprints and play in editor.

Found some new bugs now :slight_smile:

  1. Crash when compiling a certain widget blueprint. Attached logs and the blueprint.

  2. When I hit compile on this widget blueprint, two things happen. First, the compilation fails (but doesn’t crashes), I can tell because the Compile icon gets that red circular icon with a white dash. However there is no message log to tell what the problem is. Second, the widget preview (the Designer work area) gets blank with the text “No widget preview”.

Other blueprints (one widget bp, and several non-widget bp) compile and run just fine.


  1. This was a missing check to see whether analytics was enabled before sending the event. Fixed by https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/740531ee0fb8998ff9c2cbc955dc8346074feca6

  2. This was already fixed, however due to the large number of changes going in for UMG, I doubt this will merge on its own: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/f12afd38363cc39fd1416754e724dc04e445b385

  3. I’m unable to load your asset here, as I get an assert about a missing enum. I’m guessing this asset relies on your code?

Also, thanks for providing your logs with these crashes - it’s made tracking them down much easier.


With regards to #5, could you go to the “Graph” tab for the widget that’s failing, and open up the “Window” → “Compiler Results” window.

That should hopefully give us a better idea of what’s going wrong.

Ahh, I knew there should be a Compiler Results window, and I did look for it in the Window toolbar (in Designer tab). Couldn’t find it, thought that was part of the bug.

So, for better usability, I would suggest that when UMG compiling fails, make it automatically switch to the Graph tab, with the Compiler Results window open.

About the compilation fail: that was caused by a widget I removed just before updating (from some latest-preview to 4.5 preview), it’s nothing to do with the engine.

You’re welcome, happy to help!

With regards to issue #2, this is a known issue, though it’s not quite what it looks like. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, as it seems to be more noticeable now that more languages have partial translations present.

Some automation tests run beforehand that change cultures. The last one to do so sets Japanese. Japanese translations are loaded, then an attempt to load Brazilian translations happens afterwards. Because Brazilian translations aren’t complete, some (many) Japanese translations carry over - there’s not (yet) a decent way to revert those translations back to English.

You can disable the offending smoke tests to stop this behavior. I intend to do this as a temporary fix going out with 4.5.