Fitting an image in a SBox(Slate)

Image is not stretching. Box and border do. When you set margin you divide your texture into 9 sections. Box leaves corners alone, stretches upper and lower edges sections horizontally, right and left edges sections vertically and middle - uniformly.

When you set margin to 0 you basically put your whole texture to middle section and it stretches uniformly filling the space you set for it.

I need to resize an image and fit it in a small place. I am using SBox to achive it. But instead of resizing, the image size remains the same and only a small part of it is visible.


This is what I am currently getting.


Set your NuclearResourceImg Brush option “Draw As” to “Box” and its “Margin” to 0.

Works thanks…

Also additionally I want to ask what are the works of other draw types?

Border I know. difference between image and box?

It doesn’t worked. It worked for a second but now it still is getting stretched.

						+ SOverlay::Slot()

And I have set my brush type to box.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t reproduce your issue. I created SCompoundWidget with code like yours:

                     + SOverlay::Slot()

But my texture stretches fine:

I am compressing the texture not stretching.

Also the overlap slot is inside a horizontal box…

						+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
							+ SOverlay::Slot()
							+ SOverlay::Slot()
									.Font(FSlateFontInfo("Veranda", 9))
									.ColorAndOpacity(FLinearColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1))

Sorry I misstyped. I decrease the size too. As you can see my texture is 256x256 and I put it in 64x64 box. I’ll try your code and see what happens.

UPDATE: I tried your model with Vertical Box but still wasn’t able to reproduce the bug.

Hmm what should I do then any idea? Rewrite it?

Also I think you should test it in game. When i first click, the tooltip first appears right then I guess after 1 tick the texture stretches out.

Also My whole thing is placed inside a SCanvas.

I have linked my files. Can you check it out.

I’ll try it today/tomorrow.

OK, here’s update. I run your code and everything works.

But I made a slight edit. I didn’t use FSlateBrush from HUD like you do, I used the FSlateBrush from my style instead.

const struct FTestWidgetStyle* MyStyle = &FTestStyle::Get().GetWidgetStyle<FTestWidgetStyle>("DefaultStyle");



Try to use style. Maybe that’s the case. I guess widget styles GetResources function has something to do with this. Here’s a good tutorial of how to make a style system if you need it: is for sale | HugeDomains Also ShooterGame is a great example.