Move all clients from lobby to gameworld

Having some issues with networking and changing levels.
We have a lobby and a game world. All players connect to a lobby, and when they have prompted to the server that they are “ready” I then call GetWorld()->ServerTravel("Game/Maps/MyMap") on the server, and it starts transitioning to MyMap. It does not, however, transition the clients correctly. No new PlayerControllers or Pawns get assigned to the clients, and it looks like the server has lost connection with them. The code looks like this:

AWLobbyGameMode::AWLobbyGameMode(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
	this->bDelayedStart = true;

	PlayerControllerClass = AWLobbyPlayerController::StaticClass();
	DefaultPawnClass = ACharacter::StaticClass();
	PlayerStateClass = AWLobbyPlayerState::StaticClass();
	GameStateClass = AGameState::StaticClass();

bool AWLobbyGameMode::ReadyToStartMatch()
	return AreAllPlayersReady();

void AWLobbyGameMode::StartMatch()
	FString UrlString = TEXT("/Game/Maps/MyMap");

APlayerController* AWLobbyGameMode::Login(UPlayer* NewPlayer, const FString& Portal, const FString& Options, const TSharedPtr<FUniqueNetId>& UniqueId, FString& ErrorMessage)
	APlayerController* pc = Super::Login(NewPlayer, Portal, Options, UniqueId, ErrorMessage);
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, pc->PlayerState->PlayerName);
	return pc;

bool AWLobbyGameMode::AreAllPlayersReady()
	if (GameState->PlayerArray.Num() <= 0) return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < GameState->PlayerArray.Num(); ++i)
		AWLobbyPlayerState* state = Cast<AWLobbyPlayerState>(GameState->PlayerArray[i]);
		if (!state->bIsReady)
			return false;
	FString str = (HasAuthority() ? "Server: " : "Client: ");
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Green, str + "All players are ready");
	return true;

Any ideas? Also worth asking; do I need to use seamless travel?

Need help here. Been browsing the forums and gone through the source code for quite a while to no avail.

Bumping for US time to see if anyone across the globe can help me out :wink:

Rewrote most of my code this morning, and I still get the same error. What’s more is that if I turn off seamless travel it doesn’t crash, but the clients never arrive to the map and remain in the lobby - however, the music starts playing as if they had changed maps… Would really appreciate some help with this.

Did you tried with an absolute travel?

ServerTravel(URL, true, false);

In SeamlessTravel check the following function in your game (AGameMode) and see if the clients are actually taken into account:
