Using Literal enums cause recompile

Hey, this is probably a low priority bug but its pretty annoying. If you set a literal enum in blueprints withou setting input node it requires you to recompile blueprint every time you load project. It just means that currently I have to go through my project individually compiling a bunch of blueprints before I can play my game.


Hey JimmothySanchez,

I haven’t been able to duplicate this bug. If I create a new Enumeration asset and use it inside a Blueprint as you have in your image, there isn’t any need to recompile after starting project. I’ve seen another report of a user experiencing this, so I’d like to narrow down cause of bug. Starting from ground up with some new assets, can you reproduce this and describe steps you take? Thanks!

While we look into this bug, you should be able to play game without needing to manually compile each blueprint. If you hit Play after opening project without recompiling, it should auto-compile all blueprints. Are you seeing something different?

Yeah I seem to have no problem reproducing this error. Every time I open my project and try to hit play. I get following error window.


If I open one of complaining blueprints I get error symbol over compile button.

If I hit compile button everything works fine. It’s not a show stopper but it is a pain in butt every time I load project up.

Happens everywhere in my project where I reference an enum without setting it’s input pin.

Are you able to reproduce this in a new project?

Took me a bit to tr it but no. i’m not able to reproduce this in a new project. Not sure why my main project seems to be having this issue.

Hm. Does this only happen with custom Enums? If you delete and recreate one of your Enum assets and replace all references to it, do you still get compile error? Does this happen with new Enums as well?

Hey Jimmothy,

I haven’t heard back from you in a bit, so I am marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you get a chance to test your Enums as requested above, please let me know and we can continue investigating. Thanks!

I have same issue, Im using 4.5. i have to recompile every restart if i use literal value on custom enum.

I’ve been there before but no real solution found, update solved it for me but not for others.
Compile Error after engine restart - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hi Raikoh,

Are you able to reproduce this in a new project, or does this only occur in your current project? Does this only happen with custom Enums? If you delete and recreate one of your Enum assets and replace all references to it, do you still get compile error? Does this happen with new Enums as well?

Hi ,

Thx for looking at this, after messing around trying to do suff u told me for half an hour, bug went away. I don’t really know why or exactly what ive done to “fix” it. It’s weird.

Glad it’s working for you now. Please let us know if issue pops up again.