Destructing one part of a mesh, and then another one

So, I was trying to get into destructible meshes, with a table I did. The thing is, my question is similar to this thread : . I have my table, i hit it on a side, it breaks, but if I hit it on another side, it doesn’t break. But the thing is, after setting the same parameters in the DM that wrote Tim Hobson, it still doesn’t allow me to destroy another part of the mesh. There’s only the part “Apply radial damage” in the second answer of Tim Hobson that I doesn’t understand, I don’t really know where to find these. If I hit the table again, it move the whole thing except the chunks that fell the first time.
My DM parameters :

I’ve seen different tutorials, not doing all the exact same thing, so I don’t really know what could cause that x)

Thanks in advance for any answer !

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Try it like this:

Image from Gyazo

Roughly what you’re after?

Thanks for the quick answer ^^ Looks like what I want, yes, but where do you put the nodes ? You put the DM in a blueprint or something ?

So, I put the table in a blueprint, with an Event hit, as it’s when the character hit it that it should break :

But the thing is : If I put the same parameters as you, it does nothing when the character hit the table. But it the table break when the table hit another object (as I can move it by bumping into it). If I check the “Enable impact damage”, it breaks where the character hit, but not another time, and same thing, if I bump it into another object, the table will break…

Thanks for the quick answer ^^ Looks
like what I want, yes, but where do
you put the nodes ? You put the DM in
a blueprint or something ?

Nah, I just dragged it into the scene. But it does not matter where it is. The node applies damage in a radius to World Location, if it catches any actor, it will deal the damage.

If you wanted this blueprinted, it would look closer to this:

In this case we’re not dealing damage to the world but to this very destructible component only.

If I put the same parameters as you,
it does nothing when the character hit
the table.

So what is the scenario? We walk around as a character, bump into things and they break off piece-by-piece?

Ok, so you put the node in the level blueprint ? (I’m tired, so sorry if I’m dumb x) ). But now it works just with the DM only… I check “Simulation generate hits events” in the capsule component of the character… But I had to check the “Enable impact damage” in the DM too, and now it seem to work fine, I can break the table in different places. I’ll check tomorrow if it still works, just in case x)
But thanks for your answer, Everynone, it’s with the Hit that I thought checking that ^^

Edit : But welp, I went too fast, but as it breaks only on hit, it doesn’t care about the damage threshold, so have to work a bit more on it

Sorry, didn’t see this message. The idea is the character have a weapon, and yeah, he hit whatever he want with it, in order to break it

If the above is the case, I’d try it like so:

Perhaps tone down the Impulse Strength.

Image from Gyazo

I’d disable Impact Damage here.

And if you want the physics to also apply damage via Impacts, lower this a lot (tweak until stuff breaks in a satisfying manner when it falls down but keep around 0.005 or thereabouts)


Otherwise things will shatter when simulating when you breathe on them. This seems OK.

Image from Gyazo

That’s it ^^ I must say I don’t understand why a part of the table break everytime I touch the table, wherever it is, I have to check a bit more, but it works well. Thanks a lot !