Static mesh component update

Try call MarkRenderStateDirty() just after update mesh.

Hello. I update static mesh on my static mesh component programmatically, but for some reason visual update is not triggered unless I click on a static mesh actor in viewport. How do I force this update? Thanks.

I tried, that doesn’t seem to work. I think it has to do with the fact that i don’t really change the mesh, I rebuild it using FRawMesh. I tried setting current static mesh to null and then setting it back again, but that doesn’t work either.

I solved this problem by calling GEditor->RedrawAllViewports(); . Feels like a hacky / temporary solution though.

Have you tried InvalidateLightingCache()? I remember having the same problem when trying to directly manipulate the bHidden (or bInvisible, can’t remember for sure) bool through code.

Didn’t seem to work :frowning: