Single line trace returns true when it should be false

I have my 3rd person character’s blueprint set up so that when a use key is pressed it fires off a single line trace in front of him. It’s looking for objects marked with the tag “drag”. The Trace fires in the correct direction, and returns false when fired and doesn’t hit anything. However once it hits an object with the tag “drag” it will always return true even when fired into an empty area, I’m not entirely sure why.

When fired it prints on my screen true or false, and the location of the object hit if it has the tag “drag”. It works when ever it comes into contact with an object with the tag, but after if firing the trace into a void it continues to return true and gives me the location of the last true hit.

I’m not really sure how to fix this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my event graph and trace function

When your trace fails it doesn’t set the ReturnNode to anything. My guess is that it’s simply using whatever was last passed which is only done when the line trace succeeds. Make sure isDraggable is set to false when any branch in the function fails

Thank you very much, it solved the problem.
Though my way to go about it seems to be a little messy.