Create a UMG button to Delete Save Game

For my project…I need to create a complex Main menu and I really want to know how create a button that do things outside the game .EXE…like going to savegame Folder inside my Windows and delete a old save.

Why deleting a save game? You can simple don’t show the save game anymore, so a user would not see this. Otherwise I think it’s only possible in C++

My ideia is if all slots are full…the player can restart the game…

Any more ideas? :frowning:

Do you use blueprints or c++?

Only Blueprint

Hmm okey, I’m going to try to build a unreal engine 4 plugin for you…

As long as you have the savegame name, you can just make a button that fires the “Delete Savegame” node.
I don’t know what exactly the node was called, but you will find it.

I, for myself, got have all my savegames named like this SingleplayerSavegame1 and i only change the number at the end. I allow the player to have 10 savegames and go through the savegames with a forloop by just checking if the Savegame exists and let the forloop create a widget on each existing savegame. This widgit has a button to open the savegame with the text of the savegame or what ever i want to use and a button with “Delete” on it. I add this widget to a list in my mainmenu widget.

When i create the savegame widget, i save the savegame name inside a variable that i have created in my savegame widget. Now if i press the delete button, the Savegame will just be deleted by the node. The node needs the savegame name but i saved that already so i use the variable for that.

Okey eXi is right, theres a “Delete Save Game in Slot” function which you can simple use for your UMG blueprint. See eXi’s post he has described it more…




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