Some simple questions about BehaviourTree

I know about basic BehaviourTrees using selectors and sequencer. But I am confused about the use of Services and Decorators, what are they used for exactly?

If they can execute functions, then what is the use? Tasks?

Hi ,

Have you had a to look at our Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide? That will provide some basic information for you, and steps 9 - 10 should help with your questions about Services and Decorators.

Ok thanks, I got another question.

If I want to write task, services and decorators in c++, which base classes should I use and which of their respective functions?

Till now, I am just sure of 1 of them thanks to a guide written.

For Tasks, we can extend from UBTTask_BlackboardBase


virtual EBTNodeResult::Type ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent* OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory) const overrride;

function is used to perform the task.

I have found similar classes.

i.e UBTService_BlackboardBase and UBTDecorator_BlackboardBase
But not sure if they are correct and which function should I override to perform the necessary tasks?

In general you can derive from any class starting from UBTTaskNode, UBTDecorator and UBTService. The _BlackboardBase versions contain additional code for handling blackboard, but you don’t have to use those (although it’s recommended to use blackboard for AI-to-BT communication).

Regarding “what to override”, just read the code, look for virtual functions, read the comments. It all depends on what you want to achieve. As a rule of thumb I can only suggest overriding as little as possible and always call super implementations :wink:

And you can always look at implementation details of other natively implemented BT nodes :smiley:

Hope it helps!

