Adding on spawn to a Array and getting [object'self'] error

I’ve been haunted with constant array problems when trying to add or read from one blueprint to another. When trying to standalone, launch or package the game the blueprint that is trying to access another blueprints array will fail to compile. I have tried many different ways to make the array and add the spawned actors to it but the results are always the same and always spits out a error like this:

[2014.09.28-14.31.44:080][ 0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error SnakeArray of type array[object’self’] doesn’t match the property SnakeArray of type array[]

[2014.09.28-14.31.44:080][ 0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error SnakeArray of type array[object’self’] doesn’t match the property SnakeArray of type array[]

[2014.09.28-14.31.44:081][ 0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler] Warning [0009.39] Compile of BP_RB_SnakeTest failed. 2 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 13 ms]

I have also posted in the forums with some different methods I tried to populate the array:

I have tried to make it more readable in the screen shot below. The variable “i am this instance” is of the type of actor I am spawning, no matter what I do when the reference from spawn gets added,appended, or inserted as a element into a array the compiler will fail to compile because the reference is of [object’self’]
Everything works perfectly fine when just using the editor btw

Am I somehow doing this totally wrong? Im still very new to programming so maybe what I am trying to do is not allowed, or is this unusual behavior? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


After reading the 4.5 preview notes I found this " Array properties with external Blueprint dependencies were not being fully loaded prior to generating the Blueprint class on load; fixed."

And now my arrays work like they should! Marking this as resolved.