Bug Report: MaterialFunction "CylindericalUVs" missing a node

The “CylindricalUVs” material function is currently bugged in 4.4 and only works if object is at 0,0,0 in world space.

Here is what’s missing:

Extra info to repro this issue:

This is easiest to repro on the EditorCylinder using the minimum nodes required to use the node (as from documentation page Texturing | Unreal Engine Documentation

Place the cylinder at 0,0,0 and (make sure you use the “Cylinder Projection” output and not the one that used “w Top” to get a very clear view of the bug.

Move the object away from 0,0,0 and you will see it us wrapping the UVs around 0,0,0 instead of object center.

Hey Tom -

Thank you for the report. I’ve reported the issue to our engineers, TTP#348057, and we will begin working on getting that fixed ASAP.

Eric Ketchum