Cannot Package my Game always the same template

How to package ??? Is there no TUTORIAL to this very important theme??? The Documentation is to generalized and says nothing regarding problems. Extremely tedious!

When I cook my content I and package my level I always get this f++++ fps Content template in my exe. I unchecked INCLUDE CONTENT at the beginning. I tried nearly everything, and documentation and tuts for this theme are all insufficient.
Do I have to open the Launcher now with admin? Or what??? One Guy says this, The other guy says that in the web…
Even if I delete all content in the Browser(in the ue4 editor), it does nothing. There is always this starter Content in my exe. No matter what I do I see only this f+++ template.

I cannot package my game alway this starter Content…makes me really silly.

I found it out. You have to safe your scene. all the new meshes. So that the astrids disappear.
Fast testing can be a trap in ue4.

The packaging Documentation says NOTHING about saving. Documentation is always “bad” in every software package.