For Blueprint added Components the details view doesn't show the properties


when I add PawnSensing in Blueprint then the details panel in the editor doesn’t show the properties of pawn sensing. But if I add the PawnSensing in C++ it does show me the properties in the editor details panel. I mean the details panel which is shown if I select an Actor on the level.

I wanted to ask why is that so? Why doesn’t it show me also if I add it via Blueprint?

Could you post how you added PawnSensing in C++?



UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = AI)
TSubobjectPtr<class UPawnSensingComponent> PawnSensing;


PawnSensing = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPawnSensingComponent>(this, TEXT("PawnSensing"));

Hi Maxim90,

How are you trying to implement pawnsesning in blueprints? What specific steps are you taking?

Hi ,

I am just adding the PawnSensing over components in Blueprint.

Added PawnSensing in Components for a Character:

Then I place the Character on the level and there are no settings for the PawnSensing:

If I add the PawnSensing via code, like in my previous comment then I have the PawnSensing settings in the Details panel:

When adding it via code, could you check if the new component is places as the root component?

Nope, it is not placed as the root component.

Hi Maxim90,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered TTP#348161 to be assessed by the development staff. Thank you!

What is the status of this issue?

Hi! I managed to reproduce the issue and it seems that temporarily changing the variable name in c++and recompiling/launching will make the details property visible (if you have the editAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) properties:)