FBX Export 7.4

I receive this warning each time I import models from Maya:

importing different versions of .fbx…
file version:7.4.0
sdk version:7.3.0

I’m using Maya 2014, so I’m not sure of what else I could be doing wrong here, and I don’t see any options to change the version of the .fbx exporter.

Where should I go from here?

Maya 2014 exports FBX 2014 files but Rocket’s FBX SDK version is FBX 2013. If you dont see any errors on importing then you can safely hide that warning message. We will upgrade to 2014 soon but havent yet because the vast majority of applications (including Autodesk’s other version of Maya and Max) still use FBX 2013.

Thank you Matt, that clears up the confusion.

Is there any update for FBX since then? I have 1945001 and have same error while importing form max.
Btw is there any regular updates to Rocket like with UDK was in past?


The Rocket Beta has had regular updates, although we have delayed recent releases while Epic is preparing for GDC. Regular updates will resume in the future, including updates to FBX.


Thanks Stephen