Not importing WAV files

I have a few “click” sounds for my UI as WAV files. When I try to drag them into the Content Browser from Windows, I get "Failed to import ‘C:\Users.wav’ Failed to create asset ‘/Game/click2.wav’ "

I get the same thing if I use “New Asset” / “Import to /Game” from the Content Browser.

I need to get these in there somehow so I can reference them from Sound Cue objects.

Am I doing this the wrong way, or could it be something with the audio format? My WAV files are all tiny (<15k) WAV files at 177kbps.

I just saw your message and I tried

.mp3 (did not work)

.ogg (did not work)

.wav, 16 bit PCM Worked!!

not sure why your wavs arent working, mine was really short too

could you try

-downloading Audacity

-importing your wav files

-exporting as 16 bit pcm

that’s what I did and it worked :slight_smile:

If you do exact same steps we’ll know if its your .wav files or your rocket install


Yeah, it can be 8 bit as well but the format needs to be PMC wav.

Yep, that was it. Thanks, Rama!

This error seems to happen when a file has a “modified” timestamp that is older than the “created” timestamp. I used Get Attribute Changer – Attribute Changer to update the timestamps for my files and it resolved the issue.

I tried the formal “import” command but it did nothing. Instead, I moved the file manually into the folder from windows explorer. It appeared in the project a few seconds later and worked great.

it dosent work for me

I tried this, and it got the files in, but I was not able to use them in my game still. They show up differently in my directory as file media assets, but I cannot associate them to the sound player I have in my game.

i discovered how to solve the problem.
Download “Audacity” and put the audio in “mp3” mode in the program. Then export it in “wav” and in 16bits(very important to make sure that it is in 16)

For anyone still having an issue with this, the key is that Unreal wants it to be 16 bit. Doesn’t matter what program you use to get it that way, but 24 and 32 bit audio files won’t be useable, but it will allow you to import it as a generic media file.

Yep - 16bit is fine. Opened my file in Audacity, changed to 16 bit and was fine

Could it be related to OS?
Today I converted a bunch of MP3 using audacity (16 bits PCM) and send it to my coworker. I’m using Windows 10 and he’s using a mac. He get the import error and I don’t. Exact same project, exact same files…