Variable spline tangents

I’m working on a blueprint that moves points around on a spline. However, I can’t find any way to set the tangents of the spline points in blueprint (something analogous to Get/Set Spline Local/World Points). Is there a way to rotate/scale the tangents in real time?

(in case it wasn’t clear what I mean by the tangents, I mean the property that is being changed when you rotate/scale a point on the spline)

That is also something that I’d like to know :slight_smile:

Download the Epics tutorial on trackgenerator, its more than enough information to get you started, all in blueprints:

files in description

Thank you,
I already watched the video, I learnt how to set tangent for a spline mesh component, but not just for the spline itself

Ahhh I see, you mean the tangent handles, sorry!

I’m not aware of a good way either, I’m a little novice with Splines myself, but getting better, hopefully someone at epic responds to this

No problem, thank you for the help anyway :wink:

I noticed that this feature has been added in the source code version, so it will likely be in 4.9. If you can’t wait for that you can download the source code and compile the engine yourself and use that (perhaps not the best for full-on development).