Default pawn class resetting after quitting

for some reason when i set my default pawn class it works when i play in editor but when i exit ue4 and get back into the editor it goes back to default pawn…not sure what happen but just started doing this…also when i package the game it also goes to default pawn when i make a new blueprint pawn it works just fine but not the bp i have now i may need to change something but what may that be?

I’m using the third person bp template which works fine but for some strange reason my Default pawn class keep changing…either when i restart the editor or when i package a standalone. I want my default pawn class to be blueprint for example BP_player but it defaults to defaultpawn every time…any ideas ? when i play in editor it works fine but thats the only time it works…

Hi skeeta92,

Does this occur on a blank project with no additional content? What version of the editor are you currently using?

Hi skeeta92,

We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information. Thank you!

I found that our underlying C++ class for the pawn was causing the problem. Something about it overriding the default pawn value.

I made a new GameMode blueprint not based on a custom C++ class and now it works fine.