Beta5 - Latest PhysX/APEX versions supported?

Does beta5 support PhysX 3.2.4 and APEX 1.2.4 or still PhysX 3.2.3 and APEX 1.2.3?

I would very much like to know what APEX is used in beta5 too :slight_smile:

It’s still 1.2.3 (you can check by browsing to “\Rocket\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\PhysX\APEX-1.2\Win64\VS2012” and checking properties on any of dlls.

Although there is PhysX 3.2.4

I don’t think it makes sense to make such small incremental update (as it really doesn’t add any new prominent functionality), while NVIDIA and their partners currently testing APEX 1.3, which add some serious performance improvements as well as new functionality (like self-collision between layers of cloth).

Thanks for the info Lukasz!
