"Accessed none CallFunc_Array_Get_Item" from (empty) Construction Script?!

Hi there,

I’m trying to spawn a couple of pawns at the location of note actors that I’ve placed around a level. I go through these notes with a For loop, write them to an array and then get a random entry from that array to use its location and rotation to spawn a pawn.
It (mostly) works but I get this error message that points me towards the construction script - which is empty:

So I assume the error actually lies somewhere in the blueprint. I also assume that further issues (like not all pawns spawning or some pawns not re-spawning after a while) has something to do with this error.

The blueprint in question is this btw:

Does anyone have an idea what’s wrong? This is kinda driving me nuts :frowning:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I’m sorry, I don’t have a solution but I am having the exact same issue. I have a blue print that is using a for loop to spawn actors at random node locations. Also like your problem it is mostly working but not always. At least that means it’s somewhat reproducible I hope. Will keep looking for a solution.

In the bottom left of your Blueprint, you’re accessing random values from the array from 1 to length.
The random value should be from 0 to length - 1.

Did Portuswebs response help you?

I’m noticing that in your validity checks - when not valid - executions run directly back to the code without any delay. Try using a slight delay after these executions, before resuming. See if this helps eliminate the errors