How to generate VS projects with relative paths?

Is it possible to generate VS project files that use relative paths and not absolute paths? I’m using UE4 from github. I’ve noticed that every time I tell it to generate project files it always creates them with absolute paths to where I have my UE4 stored (my compiled version from github, not the one from the launcher).

Both Engine & Project are stored on the same drive and with in a few folders from each other. I’m trying to get this setup for SVN so that the project can be pulled down and work regardless where someone sets the svn repo.

Hi subbie,

Just to make sure we are both looking at the same thing, could you clarify where you looking at the paths when you generate your project files?

I’m not sure I follow. To give an example.

w:\svn\my_project\trunk\UEngine\ ← location of UE4 (ver 4.5 from github)
w:\svn\my_project\trunk\Game\ ← location of game based on fps shooter c++, contains uproject


  • Run w:\svn\my_project\trunk\UEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe
  • Run “Switch Unreal Engine Version” and make sure it points to "w:\svn\my_project\trunk\UEngine"
  • Run “Generate Visual Studio Project Files”
  • Perform a search on all vcproj in “w:\svn\my_project\trunk\Game\Intermediate\ProjectFiles”

I will find a lot of items with absolute paths to "w:\svn\my_project\trunk\UEngine"

This is a problem as someone might have their SVN repo at say "c:\work\svn" as an example. Or they might have multiple revisions or branches of the project checked out in different locations.

So is there a way to get the generation tools to create project files with relative paths or do I have to manually edit everything for such?

I know the simple answer might be to just have people regenerate the project files on their PC but I seem to be running into security issues on some pcs over registry locking (getting a “ERROR: Registry
editing has been disabled by your administrator.” when I run “Generate Visual Studio Project Files”)

Are you seeing these paths in the XML code inside the vcproj files?

The Intermediate folder is not intended to be included with your source control repository. The only folders that should be included would be Config, Content, Source, as well as the project’s .uproject file. Everything else, as you mentioned, would ideally be generated on each user’s computer by using “Generate Visual Studio Project files”. I will have to see if I can find out if there is anything we can do about the registry editing error you are seeing.

“Are you seeing these paths in the XML code inside the vcproj files?”


“The Intermediate folder is not intended to be included with your source control repository. The only folders that should be included would be Config, Content, Source, as well as the project’s .uproject file. Everything else, as you mentioned, would ideally be generated on each user’s computer by using “Generate Visual Studio Project files”. I will have to see if I can find out if there is anything we can do about the registry editing error you are seeing.”

Ok so then it’s not possible to generate with relative paths (at least with out editing the tool).

Please let me know if you can find a way to resolve the registry issue with the generation tool because it’s a bigger issue.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. There have been some discussions going on here about what we can do to help with the registry issue, but nothing has been determined yet. I just wanted to provide a brief update to let you know we are still looking into this.

Hi ,
Thanks for giving me an update.