How can I modify the source code to make UE4 lighter?

Hi guys, I have a low-end laptop and I really wish to use UE4 smoothly, with a reasonable frame rate (on Low settings, of course :slight_smile: ). I know this sounds kind of unlikely, but still: does anyone know in which way I could modify the source code of the engine in order to make it much lighter? Consider I have these specs: i3 M 350 @ 2.27GHz, Mobility Radeon HD 5470 with 512 MB VRAM, 4 GB RAM.
Thanks in advance!

Open Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini

Add this text to the end of file:

sg.EffectsQuality = 0
sg.TextureQuality = 0
sg.PostProcessQuality = 0
sg.ShadowQuality = 0
sg.AntiAliasingQuality = 0
sg.ViewDistanceQuality = 0
sg.ResolutionQuality = 100