Using the ImageWrapperModule

Im Attempting to load some jpegs at runtime and convert them to Texture2D.
And I believe I have to use the imagewrappermodule to do this But I cant seem to instance an object.
Normal Instancing using NewObject() doesnt seem to work as it is apparently an abstract class.

Am I on the correct route? is IImageWrapperModule required to convert a jpeg to a texture2d at runtime?

I figured it out, Needed to use FmoduleManager to load it.

IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName("ImageWrapper"));
	IImageWrapperPtr JpegImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(EImageFormat::JPEG);

what the image path is?

Hey man, could you do me a HUGE favor and post the exact code for the header and .cpp files? Or better yet, make it into a plugin?