Moving camera based on mouse location

Is there an easy way to move the camera when it nears the edge of the screen? Think Dota and League of legends style.

Check where your mouse is and if it’s at your discrepancy move your actor.

You still need a controller and I would recommend still using a character or pawn to have the location where you look at. You can also do fancy stuff like adjusting the height based on terrain and stuff like that.

Well when your cursor is at the border move your character/pawn like you’d usually.

This is at least one solution.

I know the logic behind how to do it, I was just wondering if anyone has done it with a simple blueprint. Mine is becoming super messy with the branches and functions. I just feel like i’m going about it the wrong way.

There is not a real simple way.

You do have to check everything and so one. If there would be a node it would do that for you but it still would need to.