Why is my application crashing?

First-chance exception at 0x000007FED4529B4C (UE4Editor-Prototype.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued. I suspect this is the culprit:

void UBlueprintNodes::CreateBuildingInstance(FBuildingBlueprint BuildingBlueprint, FBuildingInstance &BuildingInstance)
	BuildingInstance = FBuildingInstance();
	BuildingInstance.BuildingBlueprint = BuildingBlueprint;

The BuildingBlueprint property is an input slot for the node and it contains a SimpleJsonValue.


When my application first crashes it brings me to the closing curly brace of the destructor above. I can’t tell how to debug this and find out the culprit :expressionless:

Here is attached debug log. link text

Could you post the full crash log? A bit more of your code (specially the part of FBuildingInstance) would be very helpful. The exception itself means that you are accessing a NULL pointer or a memory location that has been already freed.

Check the Saved folder of your project.

updated the question with log file

@Moss attached