Blender Sapling Import

I am stuck in importing the Blender Sapling (plugin) generated trees.

This is what I have in Blender:

And this is how it looks after import to the UE editor:

The materials and the whole log is missing.

Below are my export settings in Blender. I have successfully exported a basic cube with custom material using these. But something seems be wrong with the trees:

Any idea what am I doing wrong? I am very new to UE.

I havent used the plugin before, but check:

  • if the entire “mesh” is a real mesh → e.g when you create text objects in blender, you also have to convert it to a mesh before you can import it into the ue4
  • just import the texture separately → so export it from blender - import it into the ue4
  • set up the material like it is shown here: