Opaque decals appear translucent

Edit: The problem is that Decals seem to adopt the normal maps of the material they are projected on.

The new question: Is it possible to change this behaviour?

No matter what decal blend mode or opacity value I use, decals always appear to be translucent.

There were reports about this about 5 months ago and the only proposed workaround was to use textured planes instead of decals. This does not work in my case, because the decals can also be dynamically projected to wrap around corners etc.

Are there any updates on this or will it ever be possible to have fully opaque decals?

The only alternative I can imagine is to procedurally generate meshes that wrap around objects, which doesn’t seem like a practical solution to me.

Thanks in advance

Are you using dbuffer decals or normal decals? If you dont know about dbuffer decals here’s how you enable them: Vanishing Point (Not the '97 remake!) - Film, TV & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

Enter those commands in the .INI file(try ConsoleVariables.INI if SystemSettings doesnt work, then start the editor. It will recompile the shaders then you’ll see additional decal blend modes in the material editor.

Thanks for your answer. The DBuffer-blend modes were already available, but I added the settings anyway and let all the shaders recompile.
Using “DBuffer Translucent Color,Normal,Roughness” and “None” as decal response is as close I can get: http://imgur.com/a/cUXbi

Unplug the normal map parameter. You cant use a scalar parameter for normal map and when you use it just doesnt work as you expect. So use the normal map texture if you have one and dont use anything if you dont have one.

I really tried any combination that makes sense to me, unplugging the normal leads to worse results: http://imgur.com/GN3qSOX

Can you upload the material or textures so that i can take a look? And is it supposed to look like the wall it is placed on? I dont know how the decal is supposed to look like so i’m not sure what the problem is.

Ok, what I want to achieve is a decal that fully covers the planes behind it. In the case of my test material I just used a scalar param with value 0 (I tried it with textures too, same result), which should result in a completely black plane. The problem is that the decal appears translucent, showing the material behind it. This is what I want to achieve, this is what it looks like most of the time.

Here is the material (I hope I did this right, I never shared unreal assets before). It is essentially the same as this.

Thank you for trying to help me.

I tried it in a vehicle template with static lighting and a single directional light and here is how it looks:

It looks like deferred decals are not working for you for some reason. Have you tried this in a new project?

Ahh, we are very close now. Decals seem to adopt the normal maps of the material they are projected on.

I know this makes sense in some cases, but is it possible to change this behaviour?

Create a Vector 3 in the material editor and set the values as 0,0,1; which will give you a blue color. Plug it to Normal and it should now override the surface’s normals.

It can be so simple sometimes, thank you very much for your time!

Please convert this to an answer, so I can accept it.

No problem. Glad that it is solved!