Hot Reload doesn't work

If I compile the game in VS while the editor is running, hot reload works but it breaks blueprints. Like I’ve changed a GameState c++ file and for somre reason my game mode BP won’t work.

One or more blueprints has an unresolved compiler error, are you sure you want to Play in Editor?

If I try to recompile game code within the editor I get:

Info ERROR: Couldn't find target rules file for target 'PropHunt' in rules assembly 'PropHunt_EditorRecompileModuleRules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Info Location: C:\Users\Cobryis\Dev\Unreal\PropHunt\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\PropHunt_EditorRecompileModuleRules.dll
Info Target rules found:
Info     UE4Game - C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.5\Engine\Source\UE4Game.Target.cs
Info     ThirdPersonBP - C:\Users\Cobryis\Dev\Unreal\PropHunt\Source\ThirdPersonBP.Target.cs
Info     ThirdPersonBPEditor - C:\Users\Cobryis\Dev\Unreal\PropHunt\Source\ThirdPersonBPEditor.Target.cs

Maybe when I renamed the project partially that messed things up? I still generate project files fine and build binaries and intermediate things fine though.


Yes as you guessed it looks to be the partial rename that has caused this issue.

For now (as in the future we will grab the game name from the uproject), you will need to make sure that the Target.cs and Build.cs files (and the classes that are inside) match the GameName in your DefaultEngine.ini.

Every time I’ve tried to rename the project I ultimately fail though as my blueprints are still dependent on the old game name. The closest I’ve gotten was renaming the module, the game name, and pretty much everything, and thinking I had it working only to discover that the ThirdPersonBP.dll was still alive in my binaries and my uproject was still loading module ThirdPersonBP.dll.

EDIT: Simply renamed the stuff as you suggested while leaving the module the same and it appears to work fine. I just hope I can rename the module without issue in the near future.