Editor: window panel's focus changed always get a log error?


In 4.5 preview, I always get a log error when the editor window panel’s focus changed, here is the log error:

Deactivating a context failed while
setting focus to the disabled TSF
document manager.

Hey alonezhby,

The TSF Document Manager is a [Windows utility][1]. It sounds like yours is disabled. I’m not very familiar with the software, but if restarting the computer (and hopefully restarting the TSF manager process) doesn’t work, you may need to try reinstalling the TSF software.


[1]: Text Services Framework (Text Services Framework) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

But 4.4 doesn’t have this error, is this a new feature?

Hey alonezhby, we just released the official 4.5 release. Can you see if that fixes the error?

I have the same error and cannot launch my project because of this error. Using latest 4.5

Hi Jonathan Dorman,

The error is still exist in 4.5 release(launcher version and github version) . Seems this error is caused by the media player?: when I import a video into CB and do some actions on media player(delete, play, create media texute/sound, etc.) will get this error.

I have the same errors but I can launch my project.

Hey oleg, how is this error preventing you from opening your project?

Hey everyone,

Thanks for finding this bug for us! We have a fix ready and we’ll implement it ASAP. If it’s preventing you from working, please explain how and we’ll try to find a workaround for you.



Is it possible this error could prevent a project fro building? I’m having issues with my project not building in 4.5 and I am also seeing this error. Unsure if related or not.

Regrettably this is also happening to me and it seemingly causes the project to be unable to build. However I’m not using the media player-though UMG may also cause this which I’m using? Awesome to hear it may be fixed, could we hope for a hotfix for this soon, or is it already fixed in a github release?

It might be-I’ve been unable to build my project since 4.5 was released so hoping this was the cause.

I have the same issue.I am using the lasting 4.5.I launch to my iOS device will report this error. Open the launched iOS app,the point light is lapse.It’s very anxious.

Hey, everyone.

The error message should stop appearing whenever we can update the engine again - possibly in a hotfix. If you’re on the github version, you can pull this:


However, I don’t see any reason that this should prevent a project from building. It’s just an error message. It’s possible there’s another issue preventing you from building - do you have any leads as to what that could be?