Spawn Actor from TArray of Subclasses

Hey guys,
I have got a class called AMazeRoom (: AActor), and several Blueprints inheriting from that class. Now I created a TArray > mazeRooms, and filled it with the Blueprint Classes.
Now I want to Spawn Actors from those classes, but I can’t find a way to do it, since SpawnActor(mazeRooms[0]::StaticClass()) and similar doesn’t work.
How can I do this?

What do you mean it doesn’t work? It should work fine if you pass it a UClass*

When I do
AMazeRoom* room = (AMazeRoom*)()->SpawnActor(TAdifferentRooms[roomIndex]->StaticClass());
the resulting room is a nullptr, and I have no Idea why.
TAdifferentRooms is my TArray of subclasses of AMazeRoom

Make a array:


You could use UClass* but this will limit selection to subclasses of AMazeRoom. Fill the array with classes in blueprint and if you do that spawn in blueprint, in C++ you can do it by


As array should be filled with UClasses

Thanks! I just had to remove the mazeRooms[0]->StaticClass(), now it works :smiley: