New shooter game mesh rotation problem

In the new shooter game for rocket beta 5, i changed the first person mesh from HeroFPP to HeroTPP for a true fps feel. I changed the OncameraUpdate() so it wont change the rotation of the Mesh1P to the cameras rotation. Still the mesh1p is rotating according to the camera’s rotation. How do i change it so the rotation of the camera doesnt influence the rotation of the whole mesh1P?

This is an easy fix

in visual studio you need to switch what build you are making from Debug to Development

See step 2 of my tutorial here:

I really think Epic should make sure that the NEXT beta defaults to Development, not debug

I’ve already made a UDN post about this :slight_smile:


In your Character class,

put this in postinit components or in the constructor itself

or check it off in your character BP

bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;

void AYourCharacter::PostInitializeComponents()
        bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;


Thanks but that was not it. The entire mesh rotates up and down so pitch such that it aims at the direction you are looking at. At the same time bUseControllerPitch is false. Can you come with another solution please.

I dunno then

it has something to do with how the mesh1p is attached I suppose

think about it

first person mesh is ALWAYS in same orientation relative tot he view

you should not be using mesh1p in my opinion,

unless you can figure out where exactly the mesh1p is being rotated to match the screen

for true first person I would would recommend creating your own skeletal mesh component and adding it to the BP

and removing the mesh1p asset, or make it invisible

and using your own mesh instead :slight_smile:


I realized any changes im making right now in code is not compiling. When I hit rebuild from vs 2012 it makes no changes. When I hit compile from the editor it fails to compile even when i built the vs files with the error saying that it cant change code to generated BTTask_FindPickup.generated.h. I realized the only changes were in fact to BP only. The problem all along was the compiler.