Can we have multiple pivots added to a (static)mesh

I’m currently making environments with maya, and discovered how nice it is to have a fast way of snapping. holding D means snap, adding C,V,B to that command makes you snap your pivot to those locations where D+C means snap to curve D+V means snap to verts etc I really like how this works but theres one thing that i’m missing from all this smart placement, If objects are super detailed its hard to snap to the correct vertex while if there too low poly the pivot you’re looking for might not be there. So what I love to see is a option to add extra pivots to a static mesh or even BSP. And add that similar snap selection but then only to the pivots.

What extra pivots also bring is the ability to select one pivot and tell it to hinge around this pivot, while grabbing the second one and make the object rotate or scale depending on where you move that second pivot to. this is a feature i’m missing in every engine i came across. and would be one of the nicest things to have. this prevents having to type in numbers all day long just to perfectly align walls, that are not on a grid. simple example all 8 corners of the wall get the pivots, and if the walls have a bit rounded edges you normally can’t align them to each other. but with this you can just snap pivot 1 of wall 1 to pivot 3 on wall 2.

It’s almost similar to the point you can pull and extra parts of the fence will automatically be created but in this instance it stretches or scales the object.

Hi Sander,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have entered a feature request for this.
