Changing movement speed in "AddMovement" node

So I was following this guide:
clickable. it’s the same one used in Third Person Template

It was good. Movement was vector based, and pressing W made sure the forward vector will be where the camera is pointing at. Problem was, speed was too slow.

How can I increase it? I tried breaking the forward vector and increasing it’s X value, or changing the value coming from the input, but nothing changed.

The speed should change if you change the scale value.

Try multiplying the value coming form your “Input Axis MovementForward” by a number and it should be faster.

@Erasio Thanks for the response. I have tried to do it, but I had no major feeling that the speed was actually increased. Though, when multiplying by 0, the character did not move. I’m adding a picture for you to see.
As you can see, in here I multiplied by 500, which means that the value should be 500, but it doesn’t feel like it’s moving 500 units of length in-game.

Ah wait. I totally forgot something.

This will in fact increase the amount of speed BUT movement speed is capped inside of your character to the value of “Max Walk Speed”.

Check out the Details of your Character BP and there should be a variable for this :slight_smile:

That did it! thank you, kind sir!