[question] Attached rigid bodies do not have physics

I took, the herotpp character and added socket around hip area. Then I created simple boxes and rigged them to bone chain. Aftera that I created physical asset to the chain. It worked in simulation.

Then using Blueprint, I added SkeletalMeshComponent to character blueprint and assigned my box chain to it.
In ContructionScript using Component → Attach To node, I attached my box chain to socket of character.

After running game, bone chain is in default position (it’s not physicalized), I expected it would fall down, and move along character as rigid body usually do.

How do I attach rigid bodies to skeletal meshes, so the rigid bodies are physicalized ?

#To Make Cubes Collide With Pawn

Try these settings, this is found in your character’s blueprint who has the skeletal mesh component.

“Then using Blueprint, I added SkeletalMeshComponent to character blueprint”

Instead of “Mesh” find the name of your skel mesh comp, this is under Collision I believe

If this solves your issue completely please click the check by my answer so everyone knows this issue is resolved.

You will probably have to give your character’s MESH physics body collision as well, and use these same settings
so that the mesh and chain physics body collide together

I actually think you will NOT want to set Pawn to Block as that is most likely the collsion capsule and that will cause strange behavior


Dear Lukas,

During run time, after attaching the skeletal mesh component, try running this code.

replace “Mesh” with the name of your skeletal mesh component

if(!Mesh) return;
if(!Mesh->GetPhysicsAsset()) return; //check that mesh has physics asset
Mesh->bBlendPhysics = true;

Make sure that the GetPhysicsAsset() part is passing!

If you need this as a blueprint node please send me screen shot of where you are attaching the skeletalmesh comp to the actor

and I can work on creating appropriate node for initiating physics simulation


Image below of how I do it right now. Nothing complicated. Both variables are SkeletalMeshComponent.

Node would be nice, but I’m curious if there is possibility that I miss something in my setup, or even if it shouldn’t be default part of SketalMeshComponent, to have checkbox, that will initlaize simulation as soon as game starts.

In any case thanks for help!


I actually figured it out.
It wasn enough to check single box under Collistion tab:

Always Create Physics State

The cubes pass trough character they are attached to, but that’s probably whole different issue.