After compiled ShooterGame Groundspeed missing?

I am not sure what changed but after I added some variables to the code the access to groundspeed vanished from the playerpawn blueprint.
I can see it in the defaults for the CharacterMovement but it no longer shows up as a blueprintable var and I even searched thru the C++ code and cannot locate it there.

I am not sure I was using it before but once I compiled it no longer showed up.

So after doing some troubleshooting I found that if I create a new blueprint using also shootercharacter as the parent class I can then retrieve the GroundSpeed var in that blueprint and copy it to the other blueprint.
But for some reason the PlayerPawn blueprint does not show GroundSpeed otherwise even though the parent is the same.
Is there somewhere a default setting that I may have checked by accident that would disable this var or make it private?

That variable was renamed to “MaxWalkSpeed” as Rama pointed out. Existing references to that old variable are automatically renamed to the new one.

An easy way to find if something has been renamed between version updates is to search BaseEngine.ini for the old variable name. In this case you’ll find:


is this a change in the November build? I looked at the BaseEngine.ini in the rocket folder but found no reference to either groundspeed or maxwalkspeed. I also searched the ShooterGame and found only a MaxSpeed.

Where this variable is declared (MaxWalkSpeed), how do I get the location as the solution I have is only showing the ShooterGame code ?

MaxWalkSpeed is in the Beta6 build. I don’t think it existed in earlier builds, so I’m not sure why it would have been there in the first place if you are using an older build.

I believe what you want is MaxWalkSpeed


/** The maximum ground speed. Also determines maximum lateral speed when falling. */
UPROPERTY(Category="Character Movement", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
float MaxWalkSpeed;

in your character class you can write your own accessor function if necessary

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=Accessor)
float GetGroundSpeed();


float YourCharacterClass::GetGroundSpeed()
   if(!CharacterMovement) return 0;
   return CharacterMovement->MaxWalkSpeed;