[Request] ASync Functions

I think it would be really cool if you could make some kind of LevelLoad ASync, that loads a level and can be used to display progess bars and the like, here is some reference. Unity - Scripting API: Application.LoadLevelAsync It would be cool if there was some kind of function like this that could sync with a variable and see what value it had in relation to another specified value, so it could be used to create something like a health bar easily.

Hi Evan,

Thank you for your patience. I have looked into this question and have found that streaming in sub levels can be done asynchronously using the parameters of a LoadStreamLevel blueprint action.

As for preparing a level in the background, we don’t have anything quite the same as the referenced Unity function in Blueprints, but there is a Game Mode property bUseSeamlessTravel you can set in code. The way that it works is that you can specify a level to use as the TransitionMap (The transition map is specified in EngineSettings.GameMapsSettings). That level is loaded asynchronously, the player and a variety of other actors are moved to it, then the source level is unloaded and garbage collected. We then asynchronously load the destination map and then again move the player and other actors in to it.

I entered a feature request to have Use Seamless Travel exposed to be used in Blueprints in response to your question.

