[Question] DepthBiasedAlpha material node

I am converting a UE3 material network to UE4 but i cant find DepthBiasedAlpha node. Is it removed? Is there a substitute to that node?

It is DepthFade in UE4.

Mehmet answer is correct. DepthBiasedAlpha has become DepthFade. You can find more information on it here:


Please let us know if you have any more questions.

Thank you,


Thanks a lot Mehmet and Alex. :smiley:

If it has been removed, there’s a much more efficient way to do DepthBiasAlpha that I used in UE3, see the link to my blog below:


Awesome. Thanks Baxter. Just curious what Epic has to tell. :slight_smile:

Grrr broken links…