How to make a radio button with UMG 4.4

We’re using UMG in 4.4 and so far it’s been pretty painful. The docs mention in one sentence that you could probably make a UMG radio button with a checkbox and some code, but neglect to mention any implementation details.

You can implement a binding for the Checked State and return a value that says if that particular checkbox is checked or not, but since there’s no way to bind the SetCheckedState() half of the equation, there’s no way to actually set the variable that tells us which checkbox is the current radio button.

Anyone done this in blueprint and have a solution?

To answer my own question, since it didn’t get answered:

Doesn’t appear to be possible in 4.4. Became possible in 4.5, although there’s some subtle bug that makes it not work so well in Blueprints. That bug combined with the lack of some basic features in blueprint event handling means I had to move the code to C++. Moving the code to manage the state of the radio group to C++ fixed it.