[Question] Where are all the options for Physical Materials?


The top image is what the UDN shows as the properties for Physical Materials, and the bottom image is what I could find for Physical Material properties.

Is there something I’m missing? I thought I was thorough in finding an answer. I appreciate any help!

Hi Mitchell,

I believe the screenshot you are referencing is out of date. It looks like it’s game specific, when it really shouldn’t be.

The version you have is correct. If you need more functionality, you can always define your own extended version and use that :slight_smile:

Lucas is correct, the picture simply needs to be updated on the documentation page.

Our documentation team already has this task on their list.


Hmm, well I’m not sure how to define my own extended version. I’m wanting to get sounds assigned to materials on hit/impact and footsteps. I saw this post on the udn:


I found the involved method difficult to follow and couldn’t get it to work. Are there any plans to implement sound properties into the physical materials options?

There are no plans to include sounds directly in the Physical Material. I have made a new comment on the How to add footsteps sounds post that should help to explain the setup. Hopefully that allows you to resolve your issue.


Thanks for the answers. I’ll figure something out.

Create a new class with PhysicalMaterial as the parent, and add the variables you need for hit / impact / footstep noises (references to audio assets, most likely). These are features specific to your game and so I would not expect Epic to implement them in the base class.

You should be able to assign an instance of your extended class to the physical material property of the material in question.

In your game logic you will be able to query physical materials and get the value of these variables, for example to determine which audio asset to use for a footstep noise.

Effectively this is the same as UE3 - it shouldn’t be difficult to set up :slight_smile: