How to multiple material use in floor or wall?


How to multiple material use in floor or wall?




Hi Peude,

You’ll want to take a look at Vertex/Mesh painting for this.

Here is the documentation:

Thank you!

Hi ,

Thanks for reply but some image are none readable, i tried also click the image to make large but some text can’t read. Please can you update all tutorial page with video tutorial and can resize image view.

Please can you also make Advanced Vertex Painting tutorial from Youtube.

Note: Iam already using 22" LCD.


Can you tell me which images are too small? I’m using a 24" monitor and have not had an issue seeing anything. If something does seem a little hard to see you can always Zoom your browser window by using Ctrl and + and you can un-Zoom by using Ctrl and -.

Thank you!

Hi ,

I tried also but same, none readable.

Example this link:

And i tried also to type a Leap from Material Blueprint but i think need some update from Tutorial page and its different from UE4.2 to UE4.5.


Take a look at this tutorial: ?v=p6O4AgSwTmQ (basics of vertex painting)

We also set up some vertex paint stuff in this answerhub issue. the images could help :slight_smile:

Thanks to all @, @ and @Luos…GOD bless you…Who helping a noob :). I will try this after my work here.