Can a character BP send a rpc from a client?


This seems to be a classical question but i couldn’t find a clear answer, so i’m trying my luck.

I would like a character to change its own name (a string variable) on the network.

The name is a replicated variable in the character blueprint.

So in principle, i should sent to the server a rpc that modifies the string, and then, through replication magic, the server would send the new info to all the clients.

This works very well when i play on the server (both nodes trigger herebelow), but the client refuses to send the rpc (only the bottom node triggers) because it is not the owner of the character.

The following is the event graph in the character BP.


I read in another post that the server is the owner of all the characters, is that true ?

So it seems that the client is forbidden to modify its own character variables on the network, is that true ?

Could anyone point me to the right strategy to do that ?

Thanks a lot in advance !


The problem occured for default character (probably spawned by the server).

I manually spawned the character from the player controller BP, and it worked.

I guess the character had to be spawned by the client to allow rpc.
