Root CapsuleComponent overrides any trace response setting in child components

When setting up a Character, the Root CapsuleComponent’s collisions and trace response settings will override any change in it’s CharacterMesh, preventing any per-bone localized damage with a LineTrace.

This is my initial question:
And a similar question asked few months ago:

Hello Praglik,

After trying to find a workaround for your issue I came up empty handed and so I have submitted a feature request to the development team(Jira report UE-4565). If you find a viable solution I would be interested to know.


Still suffering from this issue. Extremely annoying. Have you ever found a fix for this? As long as I have my blueprint with parent class Character it will just not work.

Hello ,

I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-4565)

Make it a great day