Editor adds spacing in variable and function names.

I am not sure if I am missing a setting but I would like to know how to stop the editor from adding a space in my names(When using camel case).
If I type “MyVariable” what I get is “My Variable”.

How to turn this off?

It must be the title of variable. Your variable stands still MyVariable. Am I wrong?

It’s just a display thing. Capital letters split words.

I don’t know if there is an option but you can try not using capital letters.

my_variable for example :X

It would also separate them. It’s not an issue though, they are saved as the way you type them in code. So there won’t be any inconsistencies. Like eXi said it’s just a display feature for convenience.

UE->Apperance->Show Friendly Variable Names

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Omg thank you! I lost about an hour of work because I had a variable “DayLength” and a variable “Day Length” which both displayed the same so I thought I was just using one variable and thus the code made no sense.