[Questions] Override Function Blueprints


How do you override a function in blueprints?.. I’m very familiar with the process in code, I’m just unsure how it’s done using blueprints. I’m trying to override the CalcCamera() function on my Character.


Do you mean how to override a function in code with the body done in the Blueprint?

I was told I could get an effect I’ve been wanting by overriding the CalcCamera function in my Character, however, I want to stay strictly using BluePrints. Is there a way to do that?

Hi Mike,

Functions tagged as BlueprintImplementableEvent or BlueprintNativeEvent in the native headers can be implemented in Blueprints. Unfortunately, CalcCamera isn’t such a function at the moment. It likely should be – I’ll look into it more deeply.

In the meantime, you can customize camera behavior by creating a custom PlayerCamera blueprint and implementing the BlueprintUpdateCamera event.


I’m not 100% sure this is what you are asking, but look at this related post. It’s regarding defining a function in a BP that was declared in C++.
